The Opposite of Spoiled

“Lieber’s book is intensely pragmatic, relentlessly anecdotal — and that’s why I loved it. . . . A book that will start important conversations in lots of households.” (Claire Dederer, The New York Times Book Review)

The Opposite of Spoiled is all about how, when and why to talk to kids about money, whether they are 3 years old or teenagers. Written in a warm, accessible voice, grounded in real-world experience and stories from families with a range of incomes, The Opposite of Spoiled is both a practical guidebook and a values-based philosophy.

The foundation of the book is a detailed blueprint for the best ways to handle the basics: the tooth fairy, allowance, chores, charity, saving, birthdays, holidays, cell phones, checking accounts, clothing, cars, part-time jobs, and college tuition. It identifies a set of traits and virtues that embody the opposite of spoiled, and shares how to embrace the topic of money to help parents raise kids who are more generous and less materialistic.

But The Opposite of Spoiled is also a promise to our kids that we will make them better with money than we are. It is for all of the parents who know that honest conversations about money with their curious children can help them become more patient and prudent, but who don’t know how and when to start.

“I started reading this book and cannot put it down. . . . I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want to raise their kids to have curiosity, patience, thrift, modesty, generosity, perseverance, and perspective. A godsend of a book.” (Jessica Seinfeld)

The Opposite of Spoiled is a thoughtful, and often inspiring, book that also delivers dozens of smart, practical tips for turning conversations about money into lessons about living. If you’ve got kids, want kids — or heck, have been a kid — read this book.” (Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and To Sell is Human)

The Opposite of Spoiled is flush with practical ways to incorporate money lessons into family life. . . . Lieber’s style is conversational and frank, with a sense of humor. . . . It’s rare to find a book about finance with so much heart.” (Brooke Lefferts, Associated Press)

“Finally, an honest, modern, comprehensive and nuanced book about kids and money. What could be more important? I ran out of Post-its marking pages containing pearls of useful advice.” (Wendy Mogel, author of The Blessing of a Skinned Knee)

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